Bee Mobile releases a new version of iPack 2011
Posted on January 24, 2011
New version of iPack has been released today – iPack 2011. It contains 25 .NET Compact Framework GUI components. We have been focusing on improving the stability of existing components and on extending their portability.
- ProgressBar component supports transparency – it can be rendered semi-transparent.
- RoundTextBox component has been re-written from the scratch. It is now completely written in managed code and it can be rendered semi-transparent.
- TransparentControls now contain static properties used to assign images to them. This helps to conserve memory.
- TouchList and TouchListLite can load PNG images from byte array – useful when images are loaded from a database or from web.
The GettingStarted application which is automatically installed will help the new users to start using Bee Mobile iPack.